January 31, 2018

Preparing for Poindexter: A New Exhibit at the Ohio History Center

OHC and the James Preston Poindexter Foundation have been preparing the newest exhibit at the Ohio History Center. Learn more about what exactly we've been up to!

October 20, 2017

Forty-Two Years Later, A Collection Grows: The Amazing Life of Constance Curtis Nichols

One of my all-time favorite collections at the Ohio History Connection has been the papers of the Vanguard League.

April 5, 2017

A Cornerstone of the Community: The East Side YMCA

By flipping through the YMCA's records in the Ohio History Connection Archives, we can learn a lot about life on the Near East Side of Columbus during the twentieth century.

March 14, 2017

The Randolph Freedpeople Part Five: Settling Rossville

The Randoph Freedpeople build a new life in the Miami Valley

March 8, 2017

The Randolph Freedpeople Part Four: Arrival

The Randolph Freedpeople reach Ohio.

February 21, 2017

The Randolph Freedpeople Part Two: The Legal Road to Freedom

Freedom despite three wills, a deathbed confession, and a desperate attempt to retain white affluence.

February 26, 2016

The Fugitive Slave Case

In 1855, Rosetta Armstead became the key defendant in a case that won her freedom and created tensions between Ohio and Kentucky that foreshadowed the Civil War.

February 17, 2016

Civil Rights in Columbus: The Vanguard League

During the 1940s, the Vanguard League campaigned in Columbus, Ohio, to fulfill their mission of "equality opportunity, liberty, and democracy for Negroes.”

February 24, 2011

African American History is Ohio History

African Americans have made a significant impact on Ohio and U.S. history.

February 22, 2011

Paper Trails – Documents Tell the Story of Wilberforce