Families Can Make a Difference!

Family participation is an essential part of the Ohio History Day process. Ohio History Day challenges students to step outside their comfort zone and learn new skills like researching at an archive, interviewing experts, experimenting with software or managing their time for an extended project. Families can do a lot to assist their students in the creation of their Ohio History Day project while allowing the student to truly own the end product.

Ohio History Day is a year-long project and students need help managing time, tracking deadlines set by their school, regional office and state office.

Get connected! Follow Ohio History Day on Facebook and Twitter for updates and resources!


Act as a sounding board for your student as they brainstorm ideas. Is the topic too broad? Too narrow? Are there interesting local or state topics that would fit the theme? Check out this year’s Theme Resources.

Encourage your student to explore resources beyond the internet. Help your student access other resources by providing transportation to a local library or historical society. Visit the Ohio Local History Alliance to find one near you.


Students are responsible for the design, construction and presentation of their project, but you may assist them in completing tasks they may not be able to do themselves, such as operating power tools. Students may need advice or assistance on the mechanical aspects of their project. Family may also instruct students on how documentary or website software works, but the students are responsible for using that knowledge to create a project. Check out the Contest Rule Book (en Español).


Competing at Regionals, States or Nationals

Competitions require a lot of assistance (registering entries, directing students, etc.). Contact your educator, regional coordinator or state coordinator for more information about volunteer opportunities.

Students are responsible for setting up their own projects and running any necessary equipment. They may receive reasonable help in carrying in props and exhibits.

Support your student by making sure they have all the necessary materials. Help calm your student's nerves by reminding them that completing an Ohio History Day project is a big accomplishment!

In order for students to participate in their Regional Ohio History Day contest, they must register before the deadline. Regional contests take place Saturdays in March and early April.

Detailed information can be found on the Contest Information page.
