June 2, 2014

That’s one HUGE rodent!

We had two international researchers make a special trip to Columbus this week just to examine specimens in the natural history collections! OK, they're from Canada, but that's still international right!? Anyway, we were pleased to welcome Tessa Plint and Dr. Fred Longstaffe of the Laboratory for Stable Isotope Science at the University of Western […]

May 27, 2014

Happy Birthday, Rachel Carson!

Today is the 107th birthday of Rachel Carson. Unfortunately she died too young, at only 56 years old, of cancer. Ironically one of her greatest accomplishments was helping to ban agricultural use the synthetic pesticide DDT, which was later discovered to be linked to breast cancer. Her accomplishments are too numerous to describe in this […]

May 27, 2014

Great Summer with Dragonflies Galore!

May 6, 2014

More thoughts on “(Re)extinction”

Thanks to Brad Lepper for bringing this article in the New Scientist to my attention. This is another opinion related to my recent blog about the debate concerning natural history museums collecting specimens. See this New Scientist article here.  Collecting of specimens for scientific research is an incredibly small percentage of the number of animals […]

April 25, 2014

“Avoiding (Re)extinction” – Museums and the collecting of specimens

April 7, 2014

Perfect timing at Fort Hill

March 13, 2014

Might Spring Suddenly Explode?

Written by Curator Emeritus Bob Glotzhober The Minnesota author and naturalist/philosopher, Sigurd Olsen, wrote (paraphrased here as close as I can remember) "one can only truly appreciate spring after one has experienced a northern Minnesota winter." Ohio (and much of the US) has come close to that this winter so perhaps we'll really, really appreciate […]

March 6, 2014

“All natural” at the Ohio Historical Center!

February 21, 2014

A bone from the sky! – Freak of the Week #12

February 19, 2014

Bob Glotzhober receives the “Naturalist” award!