Pickawillany 2010: Day 8

Pickawillany 2010: Day 8

Upon arriving at the site Thursday morning we were greeted with the vision of our shelter which had been blown up into the trees by the storm the night before (photo 1). Fortunately for us it was not damaged and after about 15 minutes we had it back in place.

The day’s big event was the public tour. About 50 people enjoyed a canal ride and site manager Andy Hite’sexplanation of what happened here on the morning of June 21, 1752.

Once at the excavation site, OHS assistant curator of Archaeology, Bill Pickard spoke about the previous archaeological investigations and remote sensing which helped to narrow the focus of the excavations. Then the visitors were encouraged to examine the excavations and ask studentsquestions about what they were doing. Photo 2 is Bill Pickard talking to visitors about features 6 and 10. Photo 3 shows Dr. Ericksen from Hocking College (kneeling) investigating a recently found feature.

After about 30 minutes on site, the crowd walked back to the the boat for the trip back to the museum and the field work continued. Before the end of the day pictures were taken of feature 10 (photo 4). Then soon afterward the units were covered over for the weekend. Next week will be the final week of investigation and if it is anything like last year, some of the most exciting things may be discovered so stay tuned!

Posted August 6, 2010
Topics: Archaeology

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