brain scoop 1Women engaged in science education face challenges that are above and beyond what men encounter. In a recent edition of The Brain Scoop, Emily Graslie, Chief Curiosity Coordinator at Chicago’s Field Museum,  reveals the nastiness and sexism she has to deal with “on a daily basis” in trying to make her positive, encouraging videos. She says that “internet bullying” of this kind is keeping women from thriving in their efforts to promote science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) education in this vibrant and accessible medium. This is a huge problem, because we need women out there promoting science and serving as role models for girls and younger women who might be considering STEM careers or who might never even have considered a STEM career without seeing Emily or someone like her on the internet.brains scoop 2 Emily says “it starts with an acknowledgement from both men and women that these are serious issues that need to be discussed. We can’t idly sit by and tolerate internet bullying in any form. We need to make sure we’re making it possible for people of all genders to feel acknowledged for their contributions and not feel held back by something as arbitrary as their genetics or appearance.” Watch Emily’s video “Where My Ladies At?” to become more aware of the problem. Subscribe to The Brain Scoop YouTube channel. (It’s not archaeology, but it offers awesome content related to biology and museums!) And do what you can to call out internet bullying when you see it. And if you’re a female archaeologist with a YouTube channel or a blog, let me know and I’ll do what I can to promote your efforts here. Brad Lepper

Posted December 2, 2013
Topics: Archaeology

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