A few weeks ago OHS archaeology staff had the pleasure of visiting the Hocking College Archaeology Department at the Sauber Environmental Center. Pictured below from left to right are Dawn Walter-Gagliano (Lab Manager), Dr. Annette G. Ericksen (Archaeology Coordinator) and Brad Lepper and Bill Pickard from OHS.
During the visit we saw where artifacts from the 2008-2011 Hocking College field investigations at Pickawillany are stored. Pickawillany was a Miami Indian Village and English trader compound that was attacked by the French and Ottawa Indians on June 21, 1752. It is located at the Johnston Farm and Indian Agency site of the Ohio Historical Society just North of Piqua Ohio.
But the work doesn’t stop at excavation. Some estimate that for every hour spent at the site another four hours are needed for lab work and report writing. The students are now in the lab analysing, cataloging, labeling, conserving and packaging artifacts discovered during their investigations; skills that they will use when they go on to careers in archaeology. As part of our visit we also delivered much needed cataloging supplies.
A special part of their conservation process is outlined here in their blog http://hockingcollegearchaeology.wordpress.com/2012/02/16/metal-artifact-conservation/#
Thanks to Hocking College for partnering with us on this exciting project. We look forward to seeing their results later this year!