Gov. Strickland READ’s about Archaeology!


Gov. Strickland READ’s about Archaeology!

You all probably have seen some of the American Library Association’s popular series of posters featuring celebrities and their favorite books.

The State Library of Ohio recently created one of these posters of Ohio Governor Ted Strickland. I thought it was significant that Governor Strickland is shown reading a copy of James Micheners’ book The Source, which is a marvelous account of an archaeological excavation of a tell, or mound, in Israel. As significant artifacts are uncovered, we go back in time to learn about the people and events surrounding these special objects. Ultimately, the book covers the entire history of the Jewish people.

Thank you, Governor Strickland, for promoting reading and for choosing a book on archaeology as your favorite!

The ALA’s webpage is at


Posted August 6, 2008
Topics: Archaeology

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