As the Ohio Historical Societys historic, archaeological and natural history sites enter into partnerships with local community organizations, the Society has, as one of its obligations, to provide our partners with a list of exactly what collections items reside at each site. This summer the OHS Collections Services Division conducted a comprehensive collections inventory project at sixteen of the sites preparing to enter into partnership agreements. This endeavor is an unprecedented investment into the Societys
intellectual and physical control over its collections that are stored at locations throughout the state. It also serves as a concrete example of our continued commitment to meeting the needs of our partners, our audiences, and our collections. The inventory project began in earnest in April, 2009. Three teams specializing in historic object collections and one team specializing in natural history and archaeological collections hit the road every week for seven months. Between April and October, the inventory teams traveled to the sixteen targeted sites, inventorying over 16,000 items along the way. Every single object was photographed, and its location and condition information was recorded in a database. Eat. Sleep. Inventory! will be a short series of posts related to our experiences out at the sites. Stay tuned to read all about the cool objects we found, get to know the people involved in the project, and learn more about how to access the images and other data we collected in the field.
Posted October 20, 2009