As part of continuing outreach efforts, OHS staff have recently completed a photographic inventory of collections presently on exhibit at Fort Ancient State Memorial. Plans are to have the images, along with artifact descriptions available on the online catalog in the very near future. Soon people from across the world, and even those in our own backyard, will have a chance to learn from and appreciate these artifacts that will be presented on the web.
The project also gave staff the opportunity to evaluate the present condition of the artifacts, display labels and mounts. Pictured here are volunteer Melanie Pratt and OHS staff person Keith Manecke reviewing artifacts and recording data and Bill Pickard photographing artifacts. As a preview here are some artifact images. I am somewhat of a novice when it comes to modifying pictures for the blog so my meager attempt at scaling down resolution really does not do the images justice. However there are greater minds than mine in charge of placing the final images on the web….so stay tuned for “picture perfect” images!