Exhibit Opening: “Every Place I Have Ever Lived”

Please join us this Saturday, November 19th for the opening of a new exhibit in the 3rd Floor Lobby (just outside the Research Room) Every Place Image 44106Presented by Cleveland artist Charles J. Mintz, this exhibit is a photographic journey to the neighborhoods Mintz has lived in throughout his life. It chronicles the foreclosure crisis in America and significant population changes in industrial Midwest cities like Cleveland. Each work is a 4 x 4 sheet of raw plywood with two photographs that are printed on fabric. The exhibit was previously presented at the Firelands Association for the Visual Arts in Oberlin (click here for the review in the Cleveland Plain Dealer). Learn more about “Charles J. Mintz: Every Place I Have Ever Lived” at http://www.chuckmintz/everywhere. Please join us for a reception with the artist on Saturday, November 19, from 1-3 (free with admission to the Ohio History Center). All are welcome!

Posted November 16, 2011
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